Reuben Greenwood
Events Officer
Hey! My name is Reuben, I'm a third-year Archaeology and Ancient Civilisation student, and Hatfield Events Officer this year. This means that I organise small and large events around Hatfield, like BOPs, Quizzes, Michaelmas Ball, and Hatfield Day! I'm also active around the wider Hatfield community, being involved in Hatfield Rounders, Open Days, and general College Life. You can get in contact with me Professionally on my JCR email, "", or personally on Facebook / Instagram / E-mail / Whatever else you can find me on. :)) xx
Things I’m Working On
I am currently working on making Michaelmas Ball happen, which, (for those who don't know), is the Ball for Hatfield freshers just before Christmas. It's a black-tie event, with food, wine, and live music. It'll likely be the first of many balls you go to in Durham as a student, but we always remember our first time.
In addition, I'm working on setting up Wine and Cheese nights in Hatfield, intercollegiate events, and BOPs in the bar. So watch this space around Hatfield... many great things to come...
Contact Me
Contact Me
Every Hatfielder is here to make their mark - let the exec help! If you can think of any improvements, queries, or suggestions, please send through below! (CIS email only)