Amelia Biebly
Communities Officer
Hi! I'm Amelia, a second year Mathematics student. My role as Communities Officer is to work on ensuring that Hatfield is as inclusive and accessible as possible, with the primary aim of making sure that students from marginalised communities feel welcomed at Hatfield. The Communities I supervise are Hatfield Feminists, Circle of Pride (LGBTQ+), Hatfield Low Income and State Schools (LISS), Hatfield Disabilities, Hatfield POC, and Hatfield Internationals, all of which have their own Seniors that run them. I'll be living in this year, so I'll be around college a lot and I'm always open to chat about your experiences or things you think we can do better at Hatfield.
My Role
Bailey Wardrobe Project
This year I'm trying to revive the Bailey Wardrobe Project in Hatfield, which will have formal clothes for people of all genders to rent out at a low cost. This helps students who may not already own formal clothes for events with a specific dress code, such as black tie.
Communities Meetings
A lot of the Communities Seniors hold regular discussion groups and socials which are an opportunity to support each other and discuss issues they face, as well as meet other people and do other fun stuff like film nights.
There will be a few formals this year that relate to different Communities, so I'll be helping college to organise some of them.
Contact Me
Contact Me
Every Hatfielder is here to make their mark - let the exec help! If you can think of any improvements, queries, or suggestions, please send through below! (CIS email only) You don’t need to submit a name or email if you wish to be anonymous, but without an email, I won’t be able to respond.